After a great fundraising week for Sport Relief in March of this year, we’ve taken on the challenge again and are raising money for Children in Need 2010*. The charity aims to help change the lives of disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

[caption id="attachment_123" align="aligncenter" width="386" caption="Spots for Pudsey"]Spots for Pudsey[/caption]

Our main website logo has gained an eye patch in honour of Pudsey Bear and we’ve gained a big red spot for Children in Need. If showing our spots wasn’t enough, we are donating £1.50 from every sale to Children in Need, regardless of whether you buy a roll of PAT Testing labels or some larger PAT Testing Equipment. Each sale means that you will be actively helping us raise money for disadvantaged children around the country.

Who can forget our dress red for Sport Relief day? Some questionable outfits were worn and we are aiming to do the same this Friday for Pudsey Bear.


[caption id="attachment_129" align="aligncenter" width="429" caption="Sport Relief - 2010"]Sport Relief - 2010[/caption]

On Friday the 19th of November our staff are dressing up and taking part in other fundraising schemes, including some old fashioned school baking.

If you are looking for ideas, why not follow the PAT Testers example and have a go at the official fundraising sweepstakes from the Children in Need pack, or have a bake sale and dress down at work day. For other ideas please visit the Official Children in Need Fundraising Site.

If you want to be kept updated with our fundraising antics, follow us on Twitter, @pat_testers, for photos and news. If you would like further information about Children in Need please visit

*(Registered charity England & Wales no. 802052 and Scotland no. SC039557).